• Welcome to

    Overthinkers Anonymous

  • Clear your mind. Change your life.

    Is your mind busy? Do you lie awake at night with racing thoughts? Do you get in your own way? If so, this is for you.


    The Overthinkers' approach offers a unique way to get out of your head and into your life: a life with more joy, freedom and happiness. It's not about positive thinking or trying to control what's going on your mind. None of that works. Instead, it's about changing your relationship to your thinking, and shifting into a new way of being.


    I'm Andrew - a coach, author, and the founder of Overthinkers Anonymous. I added 'Anonymous' to the name because I think many of you are suffering in secret. By day, you wear your professional mask. But at night, it's a different story. It's time to change all that.


  • Coaching

    Here are the kinds of things my coaching can help you with:

    • Seeing the difference between having a lot on your plate and a lot on your mind
    • Shifting from stressed to calm and confident
    • Performing at a higher level with more freedom and ease
    • Overcoming imposter syndrome and self-criticism
    • Midlife career change
    • Making the most of your first few months in a new role
    • Becoming a powerful, authentic leader
    • Launching your own business
    • Deeper inner work around finding meaning and purpose
    • Awakening to your true self

    Interested in coaching? Email me at andrew@overthinkers.co.uk to find out more.

  • Client testimonials

    Antony Mason

    Technical Operations Leader at GE Healthcare

    "In a year of massive change for me personally and the business as a whole, coaching with Andrew helped keep me sane.


    He supported me, challenged my mindset, and helped me develop clear insight into what I should and could be doing."

    Kenny Fox

    Research Director at

    davies & mckerr

    "I started working with Andrew when the self-critical voice in my head suddenly found a megaphone.

    Andrew made me realise that these thoughts were just that, thoughts, and gave me the tools to understand them. I'm without doubt more confident in my job and life, which I put down to working with Andrew."

    Emily Larkin

    Head of Employer Brand

    at the BBC

    "I've worked with Andrew previously as a writer and more recently as a coach. He's provided invaluable support to my overthinking mind, as I navigated a recent career transition and landed in a new role.


    I always leave the sessions with a renewed sense of calm and connection to my instincts. I would recommend to anyone who could benefit from a regular break from a busy head, in a relaxed, grounded, and entirely non-judgemental space."

  • Buy the book

    The Overthinker's Guide to Life is a 28-day guide that's informative, practical and easy on the eye. It's like a Couch to 5K for overthinkers.


    Here's a taste of what readers say:


    "Candid, warm, inspirational — I’ve read plenty of self-help stuff over the years and none of it has resonated with me half as much as The Overthinker’s Guide to Life."


    "Andrew has written a selp-help book that is TRULY helpful."


    "I read this was a smile on my face. Such a logical, friendly, warm and open approach to a big subject. This is ace. And completely life-changing."


    Read more reviews and buy the full colour, print edition of the book on Amazon at The Overthinker's Guide to Life

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  • About me

    The official bio

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    Andrew Sewell is a highly experienced leadership & personal coach, and the founder of Overthinkers Anonymous.


    Over the last five years, he has coached clients with senior roles in organisations such as GE Healthcare, John Lewis, Havas, HSBC, Roche, Coles (the Australian supermarket), as well as a range of creative, insight and design agencies.


    Before becoming a coach, Andrew had a wide-ranging career. This included teaching English as a foreign language, scriptwriting in Hollywood, stand-up comedy, as well as many years as an advertising copywriter and creative leader.


    For Andrew, coaching is not a game of coach and client. It’s about two or more intelligent people having an honest conversation. A collaboration of equals. As a thinking partner, Andrew’s main strength is being able to help clients see beyond the blinkers of their own mind. From this new perspective, they have the chance to find their zone of peak performance and feel a greater sense of well-being in their lives.


    Qualifications include MSc Psychology (Distinction), PG Certificate in Business and Personal Coaching, BSc Health Studies, Associate Certified Coach with the International Coaching Federation.

  • Client testimonials

    Chloe Fowler

    Founder at The Nest Research

    "I started working with Andrew as I made the decision to step down from owning a successful research agency and go it alone.


    My sessions were so helpful. Andrew shifted his style to suit my needs – from coach, to mentor, to creative collaborator, to cheerleader, to kind critic. I've gone from being clueless to having a brand, a vision, a website, a strategy. Ultimately, he's helped with the thing I needed to discover the most – my story."

    Sanjay Mitra

    Corporate Partnerships Manager

    at Speech and Language UK

    "I can wholeheartedly say that I feel much better equipped to meet my work challenges, and more confident in meetings and presentations. I am now finding ways to bring more of my authentic voice to the table."

    Tom Anderson

    Managing Partner at davies & mckerr

    "After a successful, but frantic few years, and facing a major moment in my career, I got in touch with Andrew with the aim of trying to avoid burning out.


    Our conversations together were far more wide ranging. Andrew helped me reframe the way I viewed work, allowing me to identify what is actually important and re-find my excitement for the work I do."


  • Podcasts

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    To pick up some valuable tips on overcoming overthinking, check out my podcast chat with Simon Mundie:

    How to stop overthinking, Simon Mundie


    And if you want more, here's my conversation on the award-winning People Soup podcast: Overthinking with Andrew Sewell - People Soup


    And here's one where I talk about how to overcome overthinking in sport, in this case golf.

    Andrew Sewell on the Mind Caddie podcast.




  • Interested in coaching? Let's talk

    If you're interested in coaching, I'd love to hear more about your story and see if I'm the best person to help you. You can use this link to book a coaching consultation at a time that suits you. Please include a brief note about your current situation.


    Book a 45-min coaching consultation with Andrew


    If there are no times that work for you, email me and I'll do my best to be flexible. My email is andrew@overthinkers.co.uk



  • Sign up for Think Less Thursday


    If this site resonates, stay in the loop by subscribing to my weekly email on Substack. Every Thursday, you'll receive useful insights, tips and techniques straight to your in-box. Don't overthink it. It's a brilliant way to start getting out of your own way.